17 Foods Boomers Should Stop Eating if They Want to Live Longer

As a baby boomer, you should be conscious about what you put inside your body and make necessary changes in your diet. Foods that once seemed harmless in your youth could negatively impact your health as you age.

Here are foods that boomers should consider avoiding to enhance longevity and maintain good health.  

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are laden with high levels of caffeine and sugar. Regular consumption of these drinks can increase heart rate and blood pressure, potentially leading to heart disease. The high sugar content can also contribute to obesity and diabetes, conditions that are already a concern for many boomers. 


Donuts are delicious but packed with trans fats, sugar, and empty calories. They usually offer little to no nutritional value and can lead to weight gain and spiking blood sugar levels. Consuming donuts can increase the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.


Traditional pasta, mainly white pasta, is high in carbohydrates and lacks fiber. For boomers, this can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, which can be problematic, especially for those managing diabetes.

Also, pasta is typically served in larger portions than recommended, contributing to overeating and potential weight gain. 


Soda is one of the most significant contributors to obesity and diabetes. It’s high in sugar and calories and offers no nutritional value. Regular consumption of soda can also lead to tooth decay, heart disease, and kidney damage. Instead, opt for water or unsweetened tea as a healthier alternative.

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Bacon is a popular breakfast choice that can cause an increase in cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, two significant risk factors for heart disease. Some chemical compounds in bacon are associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Reducing bacon consumption is crucial for boomers, a group already susceptible to these health conditions due to aging.


Cereals, particularly the sweetened varieties often favored for breakfast, are high in sugars and can contribute to obesity and diabetes risks.

Many brands are also low in fiber and protein, two essential nutrients for aging adults, as they help support digestion and muscle health. Some cereals may contain artificial colors and preservatives, which could pose additional health risks. 


Most pizzas are high in sodium, fats, and calories, which can contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure, and increased cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease and other severe health conditions.

Also, the refined flour used in many pizza crusts can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, a particular concern for people with or at risk of developing diabetes. 

Canned Soups

Canned soups might seem like a convenient and comforting meal choice, but they contain sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease. The cans that soups are packaged in may also contain BPA, a chemical linked to various health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. 

Dried Fruits

While dried fruits are promoted as healthy snacks, they can be bad for you when consumed in excess, particularly for baby boomers.

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These fruits undergo a dehydration process that removes water, leading to a higher sugar concentration and calories per serving than their fresh fruits. Some dried fruits are coated with added sugars or preservatives to extend shelf life.

Instant Noodles

Instant noodles, a popular quick meal, may not be the best dietary choice for boomers. These convenience foods are high in sodium, which can exacerbate high blood pressure, a common condition among older adults.

The lack of nutritional content is another concern, as instant noodles do not provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber that a balanced meal would. 

Frozen Meals

Frozen meals are famous for boomers but contain high sodium and added preservatives. These ingredients can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health issues. Frozen meals are also low in fiber and protein, crucial nutrients for aging adults.

White Bread

White bread is made from refined grains, which have been stripped of the bran and germ during processing, resulting in a loss of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Consuming white bread can cause blood sugar levels to spike, a concern for boomers managing diabetes. White bread lacks the nutritional complexity of whole grains, providing fewer essential nutrients needed for aging. 


While cheese provides calcium and protein, excessive consumption can increase cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, risk factors for heart disease.

Some cheeses also contain high levels of lactose, which can cause digestive issues in individuals who are lactose intolerant, a condition that becomes increasingly common with age. 


Margarine primarily comprises highly processed vegetable oils and trans fats linked to increased LDL cholesterol levels and a higher risk of heart disease.

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Although many manufacturers have reduced or eliminated trans fats in their products, the highly processed nature of margarine still poses potential health risks.

Red Meat

Consuming excessive amounts of red meat, including beef, pork, and lamb, can pose significant health risks for boomers.

While red meat is a good source of protein and some nutrients, it is high in saturated fats that can elevate “bad” cholesterol levels, leading to heart disease and stroke. 

Cold Pressed Juices

Cold-pressed juices have become a healthy drink option, but they may not be ideal for boomers. These juices have high natural sugars and lack the fiber in whole fruits, leading to blood sugar spikes.

Additionally, some brands may add processed sugars or preservatives to enhance flavor and shelf life, which can be harmful.

Precut Vegetables and Fruits

Precut vegetables and fruits offer convenience but are often more expensive than their whole fruits. They may also have a shorter shelf life due to processing.

Also, the cutting process can introduce bacteria, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses in older adults with weaker immune systems. It’s best to opt for whole, fresh produce and cut them at home when needed.

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